Why settle for stay-at-home computing
when you can get the iMac to go?

Introducing the iBook.
It's the notebook computer with
easy access to the Internet, a choice
of two colors, tons of free software,
and a personality.

You know how important they say it is to be a well-rounded person? The iBook was designed to be a well-rounded notebook computer. Smoothly rounded edges that fit the curve of your hands, pleasing textures, a brilliant 12.1-inch high-resolution active-matrix display, and a convenient carrying handle that folds away out of sight are among the many thoughtful touches you'll appreciate about the iBook. And with a 56K modem, a 10/100BASE-T Ethernet port, Mac OS 8.6 and all the right software already installed, it's as Internet-ready as a notebook computer can be.

Say goodbye to network cables!

The iBook also offers an important benefit not generally associated with computers...
the freedom to move around while you're working and playing and connecting to the Internet.

That's right! The iBook, the iMac to go, gives you the Internet to go-wireless, if you prefer.


Apple iBook Recommendations  

Custom Features

Choose your own flavor: Blueberry or Tangerine
Apple Airport Wireless Networking Card

Standard Features

300 MHz PowerPC G3 with 512K L2 cache
3.2 GB IDE hard drive
24x (max) CD-ROM drive
ATI RAGE Mobile Turbo Graphics
4MB SGRAM video memory
T Ethernet
56K internal modem
One USB port
12.1 TFT display

Third Party Add-on Items

Iomega USB Zip Drive
Epson 740i with USB cable kit


* Please Note: Our recommendations may vary from buyer
to buyer, depending on your individual needs, preferences, and budget.
  Apple has many options from which to choose!
We encourage you to contact us to set up a one-on-one consultation to learn more.

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