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(tentative. subject to change)

Committees are needed before, during and after we build.


We will have General Information Meetings/Orientations to find future residents.
After we get enough interested potential residents who have attended meetings and contributed, we will partner with a developer to get it built.

Possible Committees:
-Membership, Meeting & Marketing Committee
-Land Committee
-Steering & Design Committee
-Finance & Legal Committee
-Board of Advisors

Everything will be determined during our meetings.


A big part of community life at Femquility is self-management of our operations and facilities and our governance.

Our Book of Agreements (BoA) is our official collection of all standing agreements that the community has made. It is our concise decision log from community meetings and a complement to our minutes archive from meetings. The Book of Agreements also includes guidelines and policies developed by various committees for items and practices falling within their areas of responsibility as well as committee mission statements. All new members and residents are bound by the BoA and it is thus very important to review when considering life at Femquility. It is maintained by our Scribes Guild. We also have a set of Bylaws which pertain to the underlying legal/financial structures and certain aspects of our operation.


  • Our Founder and President, Ms. Lisa, is responsible for setting the agenda for community meetings, strategic planning and keeping tabs on the pulse of the community. She also leads the WWC and has the option to veto if something is not good for our community.
  • Wise Woman Council (WWC) is our governing council and is made up of all the women in the community.
    • They vote on the major decisions and policies for our community. Every woman has a vote in the council if she attends the meeting on that issue.
    • Handle disagreements and recommends disciplinary action for unruly residents when needed. Can mediate and help community members resolve conflicts.
    • They also organize our community labor system to see that certain tasks necessary to the functioning and physical maintenance of the community are attended.
    • guides the creation and implementation of overall land-use issues
    • facilitates review and approval of proposals to make changes to the use of our land.
    • Plans our annual Femquility Anniversary Celebration and can come up with ideas for new celebrations.

While our WWC holds the authority and makes big decisions, we delegate some things out to standing committees and ad hoc work groups made up of females and males. One representative from each of the committees report to the WWC. These can be grouped as follows:

Legal Committee

  • The Legal Committee serves as our official legal interface with external authorities and is responsible for making sure legal are attended to. This committee can be made up of any lawyers who are residents in our group or we may choose to hire a lawyer if needed.

Community Life

  • Facilitation Group offers their facilitation skills for meetings in the community and works to improve our process agreements. Most likely a sub-committee of the WWC.
  • Membership Committee assists with transitions & integration of new members, outreach & education, and a variety of member services.
  • Scribes Guild manages our record keeping, takes, posts, and finalizes minutes for Community Meetings, and manages the Book of Agreements.
  • Finance Committee tracks expenditures, facilitates the annual budgeting process, manages our accounts, etc. Final review by Ms. Lisa.
  • Fun Committee plans fun for our people of all ages. For example, they plan our annual Earth Day Celebration. They present their ideas to the WWC.
  • Waste, recycling and animal control Committee— Manages garbage, recycling, food composting, yard waste, develops waste reduction strategies, and handles any animal, pet or pest issues.
  • Intergenerational Committee — gives attention to the role and concerns of children in the life of our community

Dinner Cleaning CrewCommon House OPerationS (CHOPS)

CHOPS facilitates and encourages use of the Common House and has several sub-committees:

  • Kitchen Kabinet — organizes the dinner program and oversees the kitchen facilities.
  • Furnishings — makes our Common House a warm and welcoming place to be
  • Maintenance — makes sure everything on the interior and exterior of the Common House building is working and the upkeep kept.
  • Cleaning — the glorious crew that cleans the house twice a month! (though everyone is responsible for cleaning up after themselves)
  • Workshop — manages the planning and scheduling of our wonderful workshops and classes in the Common House.

Buildings & Grounds

Buildings and Grounds is responsible for maintaining our physical plant which includes the exterior of each home and other areas. They coordinate community labor efforts and the hiring of professional jobs. Community members file a maintenance request when something is observed needing work. There are a couple of related groups:

  • Architectural Review Committee (ARC) facilitates review and approval of proposals to make changes to the outside of individual units.
  • OPerationS Committee (OPS) helps maintain and improve general infrastructure other than homes. Example: grounds, pathways, sidewalks, gravel, fences, bike storage areas, picnic areas, any outdoor chairs, gates, graffiti removal, maintains basketball hoops, outside equipment, etc.

All of these committees are convened and peopled by Femquility members with passion for these efforts as part of our cooperative life together and they ebb and flow as needed. All report to the WWC. As you can see, there are a lot of opportunities to plug in and help the community thrive. What contribution will you make to Femquility?

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“Community is not just about living together, but about the reasons for doing so. It is a group of people who have chosen to live together with a common purpose, working cooperatively to create a lifestyle that reflects their shared core values.”
-Fellowship for Intentional Community